Program |
Category |
Grant Year |
Grant Amount |
Arts Education |
ESP School-Wide Arts Impl |
FY09 |
$ 29,000 |
Project Title: |
Hallwalls at BAVPA: Multidisciplinary ESP Year 2 |
Project Description: |
A fully multidisciplinary & interdisciplinary ESP at Buffalo Academy for the Visual & Performing Arts, bringing the cutting edge of contemporary visual arts, media arts, jazz & new music, performance, & creative writing to students grades 5-12 at Buffalo’s visual & performing arts magnet school. |
Electronic Media & Film |
General Prog Support |
FY09 |
$ 40,000 |
Project Title: |
General Program Support for Media Arts |
Project Description: |
For film, video, & digital arts screenings & series, media artists' visits & residencies, media productions, documentation, digitization, & archiving, incl. artist fees, curatorial & technical staff, media arts facilities upkeep, artists' travel, supplies, publicity, & other program costs. |
Individual Artists |
Film, Media & New Technology |
FY09 |
$ 15,000 |
Project Title: |
(Artist: Stephanie Rothenberg), KINOMIC Redistribution System (in collaboration with Megan Michalak) |
Project Description: |
A bicycle-activated digital game, created in collaboration with Megan Michalak, that explores the role of international institutions such as the World Bank and WTO in regulating economic relations between developing and developed countries. The game interface is comprised of a stationary bicycle attached to a bingo/lottery device with RFID encoded balls, computer and LCD screen. The player navigates the digital game space by pedaling the bicycle which spins the bingo/lottery device. The RFID encoded balls representing credits and detriments are randomly distributed during game play affecting the game narrative and player's performance. |
Individual Artists |
Film, Media & New Technology |
FY09 |
$ 10,000 |
Project Title: |
(Artist: Chris Ernst), Mappings & Monuments |
Project Description: |
“Mappings & Monuments” consists of several short experimental films and videos, created specifically to intersect and function both as theatrical screenings and as cinematic installations. |
Visual Arts |
General Oper Support |
FY09 |
$ 39,400 |
Project Title: |
General Operating Expenses |
Project Description: |
General Operating Expenses |
Total: $ 133,400 |